Solar Farms – Jaysis Green Energy & Infra
Hours: Mon-Fri: 8am – 7pm
Solar Farms
Jaysis Services

For a business, obtaining renewable energy achieves the combined goals of significant electricity savings and making significant progress toward 100% renewable energy procurement. Open access solar power is a popular power generation option that allows businesses like yours to fulfil all of their electricity needs at lower prices than the current grid electricity rates, with tariff certainty for the next 20-25 years.

Jaysis Solar Farms

Most businesses today try to get as much of their energy from renewable sources as possible, especially as worldwide agreements like RE100 gain steam. While rooftop or distributed solar is a terrific place to start, many of our clients don't have the room within their buildings to build a power plant that can meet their whole energy needs.

1 4MW
Capacity Installed
Annual Capacity
1 +
1 +
Site Installations